COLAGE released the following statement about Massachusetts’ new protections for people with LGBTQ+ parents:

After many years of hard work by the Mass Parentage Coalition, COLAGE was thrilled to join Governor Healey as she signed the Massachusetts Parentage Act (MPA) in the Massachusetts State House today. The MPA is an update to Massachusetts family law that ensures all children, including children born via assisted reproduction to LGBTQ+ parents, have a legally protected relationship with their parents.

“The passing of the Massachusetts Parentage Act is a huge victory for LGBTQ+ families across the Commonwealth. It is so reassuring to know that future families like mine that are created using assisted reproduction will be able to achieve legal parent-child relationships without having to jump through hoops,” said Jean Azar-Tanguay, a COLAGE Board member who testified in support of the bill. “LGBTQ+ families deserve the same security which is granted to most families automatically! The passage of the MPA is one more step towards all families being fully recognized, and I am looking forward to Massachusetts opening the door for several more states to do the same. We are so grateful to Representative Sarah Peake, Senator Julian Cyr, Governor Healey, and all of the state senators and representatives who fought so hard for our families and unanimously supported this legislation,” she added.

It is so important that Massachusetts, the state with the highest per capita rate of births via assisted reproduction in the country, has taken such a critical step to protect our families. With so many states moving backwards on LGBTQ+ issues, it’s wonderful that Massachusetts continues to lead the country forward.

“This law makes LGBTQ+ families and all families across our state more equal and secure. We would not be here without the tireless efforts of our coalition partners, countless advocates, and our champions in the legislature. I especially want to thank the many courageous families who were willing to share their personal and heart wrenching stories. Governor Healey has been a strong voice in support of the Massachusetts Parentage Act since she was Attorney General, because her values, like the values shared across the Commonwealth, are centered on family, dignity and respect for all. Today is a win for all children and families who call Massachusetts home,” said Polly Crozier, Director of Family Advocacy at GLBTQ Legal Advocates & Defenders, (GLAD) and Co-Chair of the Massachusetts Parentage Act Coalition.

This is an incredible victory for people with LGBTQ+ parents. “But there is still more work to do! With so much at stake in November, it is critical that every LGBTQ+ family, no matter where they live, have access to equal parentage under the law,” said Jordan Wilson, Executive Director of COLAGE. “We will continue to advocate and agitate for the rights of queerspawn, and look forward to working with more states following the lead of Massachusetts in protecting LGBTQ+ families until we achieve equality nationwide.”

Read our report on the importance of updating state parentage laws from last year. Learn more about COLAGE and our work, and help support us as we continue to provide community and empowerment for people with LGBTQ+ parents/caregivers.
