Adult COLAGEr Meet Up in Los Alamos, New Mexico

Bathtub Row Brewing Patio 163 Central Avenue, Los Alamos, NM, United States

If you are 18 or older and have one or more LGBTQ+ parent/caregiver and in the Los Alamos or greater New Mexico area, come hang out with us! We will get to know each other, talk about our families, and break bread! Come for the whole two hours or just stop by! We will be […]

Adult COLAGErs

Are you 18 or older with LGBTQ+ parents/caregivers? Join the Adult COLAGErs chat on Zoom for a supportive space to share experiences, stories, and connect with your peers. Let’s build community, forge new friendships, and enjoy meaningful conversations. Save the date for this bi-monthly chat—it’s an opportunity to foster connections and belong to a network that understands […]

All-COLAGEr Virtual Meet Up

Hey COLAGEr! Drop into our All-COLAGEr Virtual Meet Up! This space is for youth 8 and older, adult COLAGErs, newcomers, and seasoned COLAGE veterans alike! The only requirement is that you have one or more LGBTQ+ parent/caregiver. This is a space to make friends, build community, ask questions, play games, and chat. Break out rooms for […]

Dating & Relationships for Teens: A Workshop with Asha Leong

What's new in dating these days?  This workshop and discussion will cover the ins and outs of dating.  We will talk about what apps and tools folks are using to connect. We will practice how to be bold and ask a romantic interest out on date. Let's talk about what makes us feel safe when […]

All-COLAGEr Virtual Meet Up

Hey COLAGEr! Drop into our All-COLAGEr Virtual Meet Up! This space is for youth 8 and older, adult COLAGErs, newcomers, and seasoned COLAGE veterans alike! The only requirement is that you have one or more LGBTQ+ parent/caregiver. This is a space to make friends, build community, ask questions, play games, and chat. Break out rooms for […]

BDSM 101 Workshop & Discussion with Asha Leong

Have you been curious about what BDSM stands for? Or perhaps thought "I'd like to experience some new physical sensations."  BDSM is an umbrella term which includes bondage, discipline, dominance, submission, sadism and masochism. Which is all a fancy way of saying "hey, we are a group of people who enjoy playing with sensations like […]

People with Trans Parents

Join COLAGE’s People with Trans Parents chat! People with a trans or non-binary parent or caregiver are one of the fastest growing groups of queerspawn — you are not alone! Join facilitators Annastasia, Maria, and Olivia to meet with other people with similar experiences and discuss your family in a safe space. For this chat, we […]

All-COLAGEr Virtual Meet Up

Hey COLAGEr! Drop into our All-COLAGEr Virtual Meet Up! This space is for youth 8 and older, adult COLAGErs, newcomers, and seasoned COLAGE veterans alike! The only requirement is that you have one or more LGBTQ+ parent/caregiver. This is a space to make friends, build community, ask questions, play games, and chat. Break out rooms for […]

Adult COLAGErs

Are you 18 or older with LGBTQ+ parents/caregivers? Join the Adult COLAGErs chat on Zoom for a supportive space to share experiences, stories, and connect with your peers. Let’s build community, forge new friendships, and enjoy meaningful conversations. Save the date for this bi-monthly chat—it’s an opportunity to foster connections and belong to a network that understands […]

Retro COLAGErs

Come join the Retro COLAGErs group! Whether you were born before the 1990s, had a closeted or out-and-proud LGBTQ parent or caregiver, experienced secrecy and hiding, had a great experience or a traumatic one, consider yourself hip and retro, or just feel like an old soul, we welcome you for conversation and camaraderie.

All-COLAGEr Virtual Meet Up

Hey COLAGEr! Drop into our All-COLAGEr Virtual Meet Up! This space is for youth 8 and older, adult COLAGErs, newcomers, and seasoned COLAGE veterans alike! The only requirement is that you have one or more LGBTQ+ parent/caregiver. This is a space to make friends, build community, ask questions, play games, and chat. Break out rooms for […]

National Call To Talk About It: Election 2024

We’re holding COLAGEr-only space for thoughts, concerns, hopes, and grief in the wake of the 2024 elections. All ages are welcome, but the conversation might get a little heavy for younger community members. We'll also be discussing next steps for COLAGE's policy and advocacy work, including additions that might not currently be included in the […]