Retro COLAGErs: Queerspawn Born Pre-1980

If you have one or more LGBTQ+ parent and were born pre-1980, then this space is for you! Come join us in discussion as we build a community of Retro COLAGErs!

Adult COLAGErs

Are you 18 or older and have one or more LGBTQ+ parent/caregiver? Come join the Adult COLAGErs group as we share our experiences and listen to each other’s stories! This event will take place on our Discord server under the Adult COLAGErs voice channel. If you haven’t joined our Discord yet, please watch the tutorial […]

Our Queer Families: People Born Through Donor Assistance in LGBTQ Families Share Their Stories

This LGBTQ+ community webinar will highlight stories from people who were born into LGBTQ+ families through donor conception. As policy recommendations about donor conception are in the news, it’s important that the experiences of donor-conceived people in LGBTQ+ families are uplifted and understood. This free online event will also include an overview of current and […]

People with Trans Parents

Join COLAGE’s People with Trans Parents peer support group! People with a trans or non-binary parent or caregiver are one of the fastest growing groups of queerspawn — you are not alone! Join facilitators Annastasia, Maria, and Olivia to meet with other people with similar experiences and discuss your family in a safe space.

Retro COLAGErs: Queerspawn Born Pre-1980

If you have one or more LGBTQ+ parent and were born pre-1980, then this space is for you! Come join us in discussion as we build a community of Retro COLAGErs!

Adult COLAGErs

Are you 18 or older and have one or more LGBTQ+ parent/caregiver? Come join the Adult COLAGErs group as we share our experiences and listen to each other’s stories! This month, our event will take place on Zoom!

People with Trans Parents

Join COLAGE’s People with Trans Parents peer support group! People with a trans or non-binary parent or caregiver are one of the fastest growing groups of queerspawn — you are […]

Uniting Kids with LGBTQ+ Parents

Are you 8-13 years old and have one or more LGBTQ+ parent? Come meet other kids with LGBTQ+ parents and learn about COLAGE! This workshop is facilitated by our Youth […]

Adult COLAGEr Meet Up in Central Park

Central Park, Thomas Moore Statue East Dr, New York, NY, United States

If you are 18 or older and in the New York City area, come hang out with us! We will have snacks, music, games, and discussions! Come for the whole […]

Retro COLAGErs: Queerspawn Born Pre-1980

If you have one or more LGBTQ+ parent and were born pre-1980, then this space is for you! Come join us in discussion as we build a community of Retro […]

Adult COLAGErs

Are you 18 or older and have one or more LGBTQ+ parent/caregiver? Come join the Adult COLAGErs group as we share our experiences, listen to each other’s stories, and hang out with each other! This month, our event will take place on Zoom!

In Our Own Words: Donor Conceived People with LGBTQ+ Parents Discuss COLAGE’s New Resource Guide

This LGBTQ+ community webinar will highlight stories from people who were born into LGBTQ+ families through donor conception. As policy recommendations about donor conception are in the news, it’s important that the experiences of donor-conceived people in LGBTQ+ families are uplifted and understood. This free online event will also include an overview of current and […]